Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Can Opener Milkmaid Brand - Soesoe Tjap Nonna

The History :
In 1866 "Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company" incorporated in Cham (Switzerland) by the American Page brothers. In 1867 "Société Anonyme Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé" incorporated in Vevey. In 1905 Merger of the two companies, the absorbing company being re-named "Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company." In 1929 Entry of chocolates maker "Peter-Cailler-Kohler-Chocolats Suisse S.A." in the group.
Estimation of imported to Indonesia and introduced as "SOESOE MANIS TJAP NONNA" in early 1920's

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